Essay questions from all 5 Units

  1. How does the Lin Yutang bring out the importance of the Art of Reading?
  2. Describe the does Lin Yutang bring out the difference between the life of the man who reads and the man who does not read.
  3. How does Ayyar bring out his wit and scholarship in his discussion with Englishmen? Elucidate the title.
  4. Bring out the important points the author was trying to convey in ‘How I Argued while in England.’
  5. How did the ‘Merchant of Death’ become a ‘Messenger of Peace’?
  6. Explain the significant traits in the character and personality of Alfred Nobel.
  7. Give an account of Rachel Carson’s life and her achievements.
  8. What were the different assignments given by the American Government to Carson. Explain.
  9. How is death portrayed in Dickinson’s ‘Because I could not stop for Death’.
  10. Describe the relationship between Emily Dickinson’s and her companion in the carriage.
  11. ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ Contrasts the world of beauty with the world of human obligation. – Discuss.
  12. Critically evaluate the journey in “Enterprise”.
  13. Explain how the mystery of Oliver’s parentage is solved?
  14. “Oliver Twist” portrays child Labour – Evaluate.
  15. Discuss the characters of Nancy, Fagin and Mr. Brownlow.

Short Questions From All 5 Units

  1. What is the key to all reading?
  2. When can reading be called an art?
  3. What is Lin Yutang’s concept of beauty?
  4. What should Indians be able to do if they were really equal?
  5. What is Ayya’s concept of completeness? How complete are humans when they are born?
  6. How does Alfred Noble ‘a merchant of death’ turn to be ‘a messenger of peace’?
  7. Name the title of the book written by Bertha and presented to Noble.
  8. List out the different inventions/ discoveries done by Alfred Noble.
  9. What was the assignment given to Carson by the Bureau of Fisheries? What did she do?
  10. What was the impact of ‘Silent Spring’?
  11. Name the occupants in the carriage.
  12. What were the places which Emily passed in the poem ‘Because I could not stop for Death?
  13. Where does Robert Frost stand?
  14. What did the little horse think about Robert?
  15. How do the pilgrims realize that home is the place where they can have grace?
  16. What is an enterprise?
  17. Which place the poet describes in ‘Notes Towards a poem that can never be written’.
  18. Where is Oliver Twist born?
  19. Write a short note on the death of Fagin.
  20. Write a note on the conditions of the Workhouse and orphanages.

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