1. What is a letter writer’s check list?
  2. What do you mean by layout and format in a letter?
  3. Write a few oral presentation hints.
  4. Write a short paragraph on stage presence.
  5. What is a circular?
  6. What is the role of wit and humour in communication?
  7. List out 4 s which increase the possibility of effective communication.
  8. What are the 3 types of skimming?
  9. Name the three types of Media.
  10. Name 4 types of sentence structures.
  11. Write in brief on video resume.
  12. What is Personal Correspondence?
  13. Define oral communication. Write 2 examples.
  14. What is Elocution?
  15. What is the meaning of Positive Attitude?
  16. What do you mean by Self Esteem?
  17. What are Business Letters?
  18. Describe letters of Complaint.
  19. Describe the process of making Chicken 65.
  20. How to Draft a Speech?
  21. What are Interview Techniques?
  22. Write oral prevention hints.
  23. What do you mean by Organizational Communication?
  24. What are Circulars, Notices, and Memos?
  25. Write short notes on Precise writing?
  26. What is an Essay?
  27. What is the layout of a business letter?
  28. What are the different types of business letters?
  29. What is the importance of a group discussion as a selection technique?
  30. Write the importance of Resume writing
  31. Write an essay on ‘Daan Utsav’ celebrated in India.

Part b

  1. Write a letter to the H.R manager, Taj Krishna enquiring about vacancies for a chef and sons-chef.
  2. Draft a speech for welcoming a chief guest at your college annual day.
  3. What is presentation anxiety and how do you overcome it?
  4. Why is group discussion important? Explain in detail.
  5. How communication is made effective? Explain the rules to make effective.
  6. What is Active and Passive Vioce? Explain the rules with examples.
  7. Write the types and tips for creating impressive resume .
  8. What are the types of Listening skills and explain them briefly?
  9. Discuss different ways to create and maintain a Positive Attitude.
  10. What are the recognizing aspects of Language particularly in Media?
  11. Write different types of reading with examples.
  12. Write a letter to your friend asking him to spend a holiday with you.
  13. Write the etiquettes of Telephone in detail.
  14. Write your resume for applying to a post of Front Office Manager in 5 star hotel.
  15. What are the different types of meeting? Explain the importance of ‘Agenda’ and ‘Minuets’ in the meeting.
  16. Write an essay on Hospitality Industry.
  17. Write in detail about Group Discussion.
  18. Discuss in detail preparation required for speech presentation.
  19. What are the interviewing techniques used while conducting an interview?
  20. Explain in detail the role of wit and humour in communication.
  21. Write an essay on the ways to increase Afforestation.
  22. What are the do’s and don’ts to be kept in mind while preparing a resume?
  23. Explain the purpose and function of organizational communication in detail.

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