1. How can we maintain personal hygiene?

The term hygiene refers to a set of practices that maintain health and prevent diseases. Personal hygiene is how you care for your body which involves keeping all parts of the external body clean and healthy.

A person can maintain good personal hygiene in the following ways:

  1. One should clean their body every day by taking a bath.
  2. Wash the hands properly with soap and water after using the bathroom.
  3. Brushing teeth twice a day.
  4. Always use a clean cloth or tissue to wipe the face.
  5. One should always cover their mouth with a handkerchief while coughing and sneezing.
  6. Cutting the nails on regular basis to avoid the accumulation of germs.
  7. Cleaning the footwear regularly to keep the feet clean.
  8. Write the importance of Resume writing

A resume is a formal document that exhibits your skills, expertise, experience, education and all other related items. It acts as a letter of introduction to prospective employers, giving them a sense of who you are and if you’re a good fit for their open positions.

It tells the employers exactly what you want them to know about you and why you are to fit in the best for them in their open position.

It makes the first impression, it is imperative that your resume stands out from the crowd first.

  • What is Resume?

The spelling of resume comes from the French word for “summary.” The original meaning carries through today, because the purpose of a resume is still to provide employers with a summary of your relevant qualifications.

A resume is a formal document that a job applicant creates to itemize their qualifications for a position. A resume is usually accompanied by a customized cover letter in which the applicant expresses an interest in a specific job or company and draws attention to the most relevant specifics on the resume.

On a base level, a resume is made up of the following five parts:

  • Contact details
  • Introduction
  • Educational background
  • Work history
  • Relevant skills
  • What is video resume?

Video resume


 A video resume is a short video you to introduce yourself to the hiring manager or recruiter. It is a way for job seekers to showcase their abilities beyond the capabilities of a traditional paper. It is often submitted in addition to a resume and cover letter. You can use the video resume to highlight a skill or experience to show you are a perfect fit for the position.

 It provides an opportunity to articulate thoughts clearly, display confidence, and convey information effectively.

  • What are Business Letters?

A business letter is a professional, formal letter that is sent by one company to another. These letters can be used for professional correspondence between business clients, employees, stakeholders as well as individuals.

It addresses the issues or agenda at hand and suggests ways to complete it. Business letters have a specific format and are written in formal language. A good business letter is one that gets results (business to the organization).

  • What is the meaning of Positive attitude?

Positive attitude means being optimistic about situations, interactions, and yourself. People with positive attitudes remain hopeful and see the best even in difficult situations.

positive attitude is essential to happiness, joy, and progress in life. It means a positive outlook on life.

  1. A Positive attitude is a state of mind that envisions and expects favorable results.
  2. It is the willingness to try doing new things.
  3. The belief that everything would turn all right.
  4. It is an attitude that helps you see the good in people.
  5. It is a mental attitude that sees the good and the accomplishments in your life rather than the negative and the failures.
  6. A positive attitude is a mindset that helps you see and recognize opportunities.
  7. Positive attitude means positive thinking.
  8. Optimism and maintaining a positive mindset.
  9. A mental attitude that focuses on the bright side of life.
  10. A mindset that uses the words “I can” and “it is possible”.
  • What do you mean by Self-Esteem

Self-esteem refers to the subjective evaluation that an individual has of their own worth and value as a person. It encompasses beliefs about oneself, including one’s abilities, accomplishments, and characteristics. People with high self-esteem tend to have a positive view of themselves and their abilities, while those with low self-esteem may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt.

Self-esteem can develop through a variety of factors, including both internal and external influences. Internal factors can include an individual’s own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

The higher our self-esteem, the stronger the drive to express ourselves, reflecting the sense of richness within. The lower our self-esteem, the more urgent the need to “prove” ourselves or to forget ourselves by living unconsciously.

Q: What is email etiquette?


Email etiquette refers to the rules for drafting and sending professional and effective emails. It involves creating a clear and brief subject line, correctly addressing the recipient, maintaining a professional tone, and proofreading for spelling and grammar problems.

Q: What are the essential business etiquette rules to follow?


Dress appropriately for the occasion, be kind and polite to everyone, use formal language and a professional tone in communication, approach conflicts gracefully, be punctual, actively listen, show interest in co-workers, and ask intelligent questions.

Q: What does proper business communication etiquette look like?


Business communication etiquette includes talking clearly and concisely, using appropriate grammar and spelling, being aware of your tone, answering as soon as possible, expressing appreciation, avoiding jargon or acronyms, accepting cultural differences, and staying professional.

Q: How can I improve my business etiquette?


You can enhance your business etiquette by practicing strong communication skills, being aware of cultural differences, actively listening, being respectful, and asking for feedback from others. You can also take business etiquette classes or workshops.

What Are Business Etiquettes? 

Business etiquettes mean the social behaviours and manners expected in a business environment. It also addresses how people act at work or in other workplaces. Business etiquette promotes respect, courtesy, and professionalism to ensure business contacts are conducted smoothly and efficiently.

The Importance of Business Etiquette

Building credibility, trust, and respect at work requires mastering business etiquette. Because it creates a professional environment that encourages cooperation and improves communication between departments, it is also essential for an effective workplace and increases employee efficiency. 

When people feel valued, their attitudes towards their jobs improve, positively impacting customer interactions.

How to Improve Business Etiquette

Adhering to these guidelines can improve business communication skills and strengthen relationships with coworkers, clients, and business partners.

Building effective professional relationships, boosting your reputation, and increasing your chances of success in the corporate world all depend on improving business etiquette. Below are some pointers for improving business manners:

1. Develop Self-Awareness

Gaining self-awareness is the first step to enhancing your business manners. This entails being aware of your actions and how they affect others. 

Consider how you can improve your communication style, body language, and tone of voice.

2. Learn the Basics 

Review the fundamentals of business etiquette, such as how to introduce yourself, shake hands, and write formal emails. Your confidence and professionalism with your contacts will increase with a firm grasp of these fundamentals.

3. Be Punctual 

Being on time demonstrates professionalism and regard for others’ time. Inform the other person if you will be late as soon as possible and express your regret for the inconvenience.

4. Dress Appropriately

You could show respect for the other person or individuals involved by dressing appropriately. Overdressing is preferable to underdressing if you are unsure of the dress code.

5. Use Proper Table Manners

Attending a business meal requires behaving properly at the table and following the host’s lead. This demonstrates your regard for and attention to detail.

6. Practice Active Listening

Active listening is the process of concentrating on what the other person is saying and responding accordingly. You can show your engagement in the discussion by making eye contact, smiling, and asking questions.

7. Be Respectful 

Regardless of someone’s position or status, always be respectful and kind to them. Be careful with your vocabulary and tone, and avoid interrupting or talking to others.

8. Use Appropriate Language

Speaking professionally and refraining from slang, profanity, and other inappropriate language is essential to any conversation. By doing so, you show respect and take other people seriously.

9. Follow Up 

Write a thank-you message or email after a meeting or event to show gratitude. This shows your professionalism and ability to build strong relationships.

10. Respect Cultural Differences

Be sensitive to cultural variances and respectful of various communication methods. This might help you prevent misunderstandings and establish stronger relationships with individuals from different cultures.

Types of Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is essential to create a good rapport with your associates and succeed in business. Here are some examples of business etiquette types that people should be aware of: 

1. Communication Etiquette

It deals with how people speak to one another, including word choices and vocal intonation.

2. Dining Etiquette: 

This requires having appropriate table manners, which include understanding what utensils to use and how to hold them. It also includes how to manage food and how to converse with others while eating.

3. Dress Code Etiquette:

 Whether it’s a business meeting, conference, or social gathering, dress appropriately for the occasion.

4. Meeting Etiquette:

 This involves arriving on time, preparing the required paperwork or supplies, and having courteous, fruitful conversations.

5. Email Etiquette:

This calls for utilising acceptable grammar, tone, and design in business emails and paying attention to the right email frequency and response time.

6. Phone Etiquette:

Speaking on the phone involves appropriate greetings, speaking correctly, and stopping interruptions or diversions.

7. Gift-giving Etiquette

This includes knowing the right occasions to offer gifts in a professional setting. It also includes the kind of gifts to give and how to display them.

why is it so important to have a resume? 

 Resume reaches the recruiter’s table much before than you do: Yes, before you reach recruiter’s office, your resume does so. Generally, every company asks for your resume first, they go through the work that you have done so far and if it matches their requirement, thumbs up!

So, a well-written resume does half of the work for you here only. Hence it is very much important to have a structured and concise resume to make the first impression work for you.

  • Resume tells about you: A resume speaks a great deal about you as a professional. It says what you have done in the past. What are you doing currently and where exactly you are heading towards?

Just imagine a small piece of paper talks so much about you including past, present, and future. Doesn’t that sound amazing? But remember this story of past, present and future needs to be conveyed quickly, else they will lose interest. So, this job of telling a short story can be little tricky. Hence you might need help in drafting your resume by professionals.

  • To convince that you are the one: You must be thinking that it is easy for you to convince the recruiter that you are the most suitable candidate for the vacant position. But that will only be possible when you are there for face to face round.

Before you appear for the face to face interview, your resume would convince them first that you are the most eligible candidate for the position offered or not. Now you must have understood what important role does a resume play for you.

  • To sell your skills: Through a well-written resume, you can sell the skills which you have accumulated over these years. You can let the recruiter know what all skills that you have acquired through different jobs and how you are going to utilize them for the betterment of the prospective organization. This is exactly what recruiter need to know now-a-days. They want to know in which way your skills will prove beneficial for their organization. And if your resume is successful in telling them so, the purpose is served.
  • To grab an interview: Unless and until your Dad or a very close relative owns a company, where you can easily join without much ado, you are surely going to need a good resume. And ultimately the purpose of the resume is to get an interview. And writing a resume is the first step towards that direction. So, do not ignore the importance of writing a good resume.
  • To Brand Yourself: It is very essential to create your own brand in this professional world and this journey starts right after your college and studies. When you enter a professional world to work, it is essential that from the very first day you have to set things right.

To showcase your knowledge, your skills, experience, expertise, and accomplishments, it is necessary to have a perfectly written resume which can portray you as a good professional or a budding professional who is ready to face this challenging world.

  • Quick but lasting first impression: You must have heard of the saying that the first impression is the last impression. It goes well with the resume as well. In the bulk of the resumes, if one resume stands out and it gives a feeling that yes, this is the one, then working hard on your resume is worth it. The recruiter would likely ignore the resume which is text heavy and difficult to read. So, you now get the point what your resume should NOT look like. Try to keep it simple, easy to read and easy to understand.
  • Summarize your career aspiration: A good resume recapitulates your career so well that recruiters do not need to put in the hard effort just to scan and go through your resume in details to understand your profile. So, make sure that the summary section of your resume is robust enough to give a good glimpse of your whole career in short.

For those who have no work experience so far and applying as a fresher, it is suggested that they talk about their projects, internships, industrial visits, trainings and additional value-added course in the summary section, so that even if a recruiter chooses not to go through the entire detailed resume, at least the summary section will be good enough for him to understand and gauge your worth as a candidate.

  • To show your achievements: You cannot wait for the recruiter to call you to know about your career history and accomplishments so far. That sound something like you have not written and posted the letter to your friend, and you are expecting him/her to understand your feeling/situation. So, it is imperative to write a good resume to showcase your achievements to tell your success story so far.
  • Just resume: While looking for a job, it is essential to have a good resume but make sure it is just the resume. Do not make it so fancy or full of jargons to make it cumbersome for a recruiter to read. And also one thing you need to keep in mind that when you are sending your resume to a recruiter, send the resume only or at the most attach the cover letter. Do not include or attach a letter of recommendations, copies of your education mark sheets, reference letter or anything else unless this is asked for.
  • Your are sure of your work: Many a time it happens that we plan and execute something, even be successful in our endeavor, but after sometime, may be a year or so, we tend to forget those. We see the current challenges and try to cope up with them.

So, if you have a good resume, you will remember each and everything you have done and achieved in your professional career. It will happen if you keep updating your resume whenever you change a job and join a new company, whenever you get a new role, a new project, a new team to handle.

Take a note when the company is rewarding you for your work. That does not mean that you make your resume, a daily diary, just keep note of the important happenings in your professional front. And you can always edit your resume keeping the master copy with you. And remember even the greatest writer in the literary world need the help of the editor. You can read it, re-read it, proofread it ten times, but it is always good to take a second opinion.




  1. Write a brief definition of communication
  2. what is intra personal communication?
  3. what is interpersonal communication?
  4. what is formal communication?
  5. what is informal communication?
  6. what is Verbal communication?
  7. what is Non Verbal communication?
  8. What is Oral communication?
  9. what is effective communication?
  10.  List out 4 s which increase the possibility of effective communication.
  11. what is the process of communication?
  12. Define medium of communication?
  13. What is Empathetic Listening?
  14. Why is listening important in Communication?
  15. What is need for listening?
  16. How do you extract specific information through listening.
  17. Name the three types of Media.
  18. what is skimming?
  19. What is Scanning?
  20. What do you understand by skimming through a text?
  21. What is press release?


  1. Explain in detail the process of communication.
  2. What are the different communication Mediums? / types of communication
  3. what are the principles of communication
  4. when does communication fail?/Barriers of communication.
  5. what are the different methods of communication?
  6. Give in details of 7’cs of communication.
  7. Explain briefly Listening Skills.
  8. How does listening skills help in taking down the telephone message?
  9. What are the types of Listening skills and explain them briefly?
  10. How communication is made effective? Explain the rules to make effective.
  11.  Write different types of reading with examples.
  12. What is Reading Skills? Explain in detail.

UNIT – 2                    PART-A

  1. Write about the usage of First Name.
  2. Give two examples of polite expressions: 1 Apology 2. Agreement
  3. what is Group Communication?
  4. Write polite expressions for agreement and disagreement
  5. what is face to face conversation?
  6. what is a conference?
  7. who is a Public Relation Officer?
  8. what is Meeting and Greeting?
  9. How do you introduce yourself?
  10. what is Seminar?


  1. what is Seminar? Discuss in detail.
  2. What is a conference and how is it conducted?
  3. Who is a Public Relation Officer? What role do they play in a hotel?
  4. Explain the importance and Art of Good Conversation / Explain Art of Good Communication while dealing with Guest complaints and requests.
  5. Write in detail type of tenses in English Language with its forms and examples?
  6. Write in detail about Group Discussion / Group communication.
  7. How do we handle Guest Request and Complaints?

UNIT – 3                                            PART – A

  1. Explain Travel Etiquette.
  2. What is Dining Etiquette?
  3. What is meant by Etiquette and manners?
  4. Why is eye contact important?
  5. what is grooming?
  6. How can you maintain personal hygiene?
  7. what is Social Etiquette?
  8. What is Body Language?
  9. What are lobby manners?
  10. What are Elevator Etiquette?
  11. What is shopping ethics?
  12. Write Business etiquette guidelines?


  1. Write about 1. Lobby Manners 2. Dining Etiquette
  2. Explain how do, Etiquette and manners enrich your personality?
  3. Write about a. Elevator Etiquette b. Travel Etiquette

UNIT – 4                                PART – A

  1. What is a letter writer’s check list?
  2. What do you mean by layout and format in a letter?
  3. Write in brief on video resume.
  4. What are Business Letters?
  5. Describe letters of Complaint
  6. What is the layout of a business letter?
  7. What are the different types of business letters?
  8. Write the importance of Resume writing

Part B

  1. Write a letter to the H.R manager, Taj Krishna enquiring about vacancies for a chef and sons-chef.
  2.  Write the types and tips for creating impressive resume .
  3. Write a letter to your friend asking him to spend a holiday with you.
  4. Write the etiquettes of Telephone in detail.
  5. Write your resume for applying to a post of Front Office Manager in 5 star hotel.
  6. Write an essay on Hospitality Industry.
  7. What are the do’s and don’ts to be kept in mind while preparing a resume?
  8. How do you get ready for interview and explain what dress code and body language you adopt during interview.

UNIT – 5                                PART – A

  1. What is the meaning of Positive Attitude?
  2. What do you mean by Self Esteem?
  3. What are personality determinants?
  4. What is SWOT analysis?

Part B

  1. Discuss different ways to create and maintain a Positive Attitude.
  2. Explain how one can build self-esteem.
  3. Explain the adversities of handling SWOT analysis.